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Accidental releases of petroleum, toxic chemicals, gases, and other hazardous materials occur frequently throughout New York State. Even small releases have the potential to endanger public health and contaminate groundwater, surface water, and soils. What is being done about this problem? How can concerned citizens help? The information presented here can answer these and other questions. The following article is fro the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, however the information about spills can be relatable in any state! http://goo.gl/cwUjSw
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Who knew that there are up to 20 spills per day!?!?!? Read this article to find out more

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In his article for the E&E Reporter, Mike Soraghan writes: The number of spills reported at oil and gas production sites shot up slightly more than 17 percent last year, even as the rate of drilling activity leveled off. There were at least 7,662 spills, blowouts, leaks and other mishaps in 2013 in 15 top states for onshore oil and gas activity, according to an EnergyWire analysis of state records. That’s up from 6,546 in the states where comparisons could be made (EnergyWire, July 8, 2013). That adds up to more than 20 spills a day. Many of the spills were small. But their combined volume totaled more than 26 million gallons of oil, hydraulic fracturing fluid, “fracking” wastewater and other substances. That’s the same volume as what gushed four years ago from BP PLC’s ruptured Gulf of Mexico oil well in 11 days. Some of the increase may have come...
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What are your thoughts on Gov. Scott’s oil drilling interests?

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In his article for the Brandenton Herald, Steve Bousquet writes: “Gov. Rick Scott’s six-figure stake in a French energy company is angering environmentalists because the firm is involved in oil drilling in Collier County near the Everglades. Scott and the Cabinet oversee the Department of Environmental Protection, which regulates oil drilling in Florida, and Scott has invested in businesses that could be regulated by DEP and other state agencies. Asked if he supports drilling in a county where he owns a $9.2 million home, Scott did not directly answer. He said: “You’ll have to talk to DEP.” To avoid conflicts, Scott put his wealth in a blind trust three years ago, and an adviser is assigned to manage Scott’s money without his knowledge. “I put everything in a blind trust, so I don’t know what’s in the blind trust,” Scott said last week. In 2011, the original blind trust showed...
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The Secret History of Lead

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Did you know that lead aka tetraethyl lead was put into gasoline in 1921 and remained as an additive until banned in 1986. During that time over 7 million tons of lead was introduced into the atmosphere in the US causing modern man to be exposed to 300 to 500 times the natural background levels of lead. By 1986 5,000 Americans died annually from lead exposure and an estimated 68 million young people had toxic exposure. “The next time you pull the family barge in for a fill-up, check it out: The gas pumps read “Unleaded.” You might reasonably suppose this is because naturally occurring lead has been thoughtfully removed from the gasoline. But you would be wrong. There is no lead in gasoline unless somebody puts it there. And, a little more than seventy-five years ago, some of America’s leading corporations–General Motors, Du Pont and Standard Oil of New...
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Is a new hazardous waste site in your community’s future?

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Did you know that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was adding seven hazardous waste sites that pose risks to people’s health and the environment? “Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is adding seven hazardous waste sites that pose risks to people’s health and the environment to the National Priorities List (NPL) of Superfund sites. EPA is also proposing to add another five sites to the list. Superfund is the federal program that investigates and cleans up the most complex, uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites in the country to protect people’s health and the environment. ” Click the following link to read more on the EPA’s website: http://goo.gl/kCEqiC
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